Category Archives: Real Estate Coaching – Become A Top Producer

Real Estate Coach Carol Mazur shares Real Estate Coaching & Real Estate Training in the Top 10 Systems of Top Producers.

C21 Real Estate Stats – Buy Now?

This C 21 video shows recent real estate market stats and graphs from NAR. Rick Davidson president and CEO of C21 explains the current stats and offers reasons why your customers should buy now. As you will see in the video, Rick believes that short sales are not going away soon. Take a look at the stats he has posted from NAR and why he believes we should buy now.

COACHING TIP I recommend pausing the video on the graphs so that you can print them. Here’s how:

Change the video to full screen. Next, pause the video on the stats you are interested in viewing and click the ctrl key + the prt sc (print screen) key to copy the chart on the screen. Paste the graph into a word or similar doc for future reference.

As a real estate professional on the front lines, what do you think ? Are you recommending that your real estate customers buy now?

Real Estate Coaching – Coach Carol Mazur -Real Estate Training – The Top Producer Group, LLC

HootSuite for Automation

This HootSuite video offers Realtors tips on social media automation. Real estate agents can sign up fro a free account. You can post your blog with an RSS feed, update your status, schedule tweets and more.

Take a moment to register for HootSuite now. Next add your social networks to HootSuite to get automated. Add your team or assistant if you have one. Now start connectiong with your clients the automated way by using HootSuite.

LinkedIn Coaching Tip

My favorite video this week is a simple LinkedIn coaching tip sure to help you, residential real estate agents and brokers, grow your business. You will see how easy it is to add your LinkedIn Contacts to Outlook. Pay special attention to the coaching tip on how to add new email clients to your Outlook Contacts directly from your messages with one click of your mouse. Do you think connecting to key people in your community will help you grow your center of influence?

I feel I can connect better with new clients by understanding who they are, what they do and where they work. I will save Facebook for sharing value with my friends and for having fun. I am hoping to form many new relationships by connecting LinkedIn to my Gmail / Outlook Contacts and I am sure it will help you grow your business too!

Right now LinkedIn is a wonderful free tool. You never know when that might change. Please do it now!

If you liked this Real Estate Coaching tip about LinkedIn feel free to share it with your friends and Coworkers. Thank you for your continued support.