Category Archives: Real Estate Coaching – Become A Top Producer

Real Estate Coach Carol Mazur shares Real Estate Coaching & Real Estate Training in the Top 10 Systems of Top Producers.

Best Real Estate Business Plan – Get Automated!


In this real estate coaching Actionar® video we’ll help you get to the top faster than you ever imagined. Look at the top producer image in the video below that shows a real estate top producer and how they grew their business over eighteen years. They did this by hiring a part-time assistant, a full-time assistant, and of course a coach. They reached out for help.

You can see the progression from one year doing forty-four units, to eighteen years where they were doing one-hundred-sixty-one real estate units. They’ve added a lot of different real estate business systems along the way.

Now wouldn’t it be great if you knew what those systems were and if you could focus on automating one of those systems per week, every single week? Do you think that you would get to the top much faster this way than having to go over a twenty-year or thirty-year career?


We put together this Best Real Estate Business Plan and 2 year system to keep you focused on one area, one step at a time. These are the Top 10 Systems for 50 Sales. The quicker you automate these follow-up systems, the more time you will have to give Platinum Service to your customers and receive referrals. (Most Top Pro Agents are automated in 6 months!)

First, enter your name and email, above, and we will deliver this plan to your inbox. Please print out your best real estate business plan. You’ll need to choose one system and, as they say, close your circles. There are ten 10-step real estate training systems that top producers have created.

How many basic systems do you have already?


Take a pencil out and check off the systems that you have in place already on the business plan. If you already have a 33 touch plan in place in center of influence, then check that off. Maybe you should then choose the center of influence plan to work on first, because you already have a head start on the business plan.


Real Estate Coaching

Top Pro Systems


Let’s say you already have housing stats and listing packages, then I would recommend you choose the expired listings training to start with in your business plan. Once you choose an area to work on, you can forget about looking at all of this at once because it’ll get overwhelming.

We’re going to do this together. My job as your coach is to get you to focus on one area, adding one, simple training and coaching step at a time. Then you will go on to the next step. As you are doing this, you’re building your business effortlessly, making sales and taking listings. It’s a great way to get to the top faster.

Next Get Your Real Estate Systems Automated

You may have a real estate website already, and you might have some of these plans. You maybe have a WordPress blog and you are already working with Craigslist. In that case, maybe you want to use the online lead capture system and finish that plan first. Whatever you choose to start with, you need to finish.


Best Real Estate Business Plan


The biggest problem that I’ve found is that agents will have one step from online marketing, another step from for sale by owners, and then another one step from working their farms, without ever completing them. They’re building only one mailing for their farming neighborhood system, etc. Really, the decision you have to make is: where are you going to start?

If you put a check mark next to what you have already have and you find a lot of check marks in one area, then that’s where we’re going to start because that will be the fastest way to get to the top.

Let’s begin in center of influence. You want to plan some face-to-face but you need ideas. When you join our exclusive Top Pro Group, you’ll be able to search for things like face-to-face in the search bar, or type in center of influence or sphere. We have set up our website so that whatever your style is, whatever you want to find, let’s say 8×8 postcards, for example, we want you to be able to re-purpose everything so that when you make this initial plan you can use it as an expired postcard, or use it for for sale by owners and for your farm.

Think about re-purposing everything you do right from the start. You would not have to reinvent the wheel every time. That’s what our Top Pro Real Estate Coaching is all about. We kick up the basics with the latest technology. If you don’t want to follow the best step-by-step real estate business plan and prefer freestyle, use this business plan. Top Pro Coaching will help you become a top producer quickly.

Best Real Estate Business Plan – Get Automated!

For more tips & strategies or to find out how to
become an exclusive member of our Top Pro Group, contact us.


Set up Google Gmail for Real Estate Assistants


Are you wasting too much time in your inbox every day? Do you have a real estate virtual assistant or an assistant to check your Google Gmail email account for you?  It is a great way to get things done in a day. Set up Google Gmail for your Real Estate Assistants.

It is important to set the right permissions and keep your Gmail passwords all separate.  After watching the video, be sure to adjust your settings to have your Google Gmail reply emails sent from either you or your assistant.  It is all here in this helpful video from Nathalie Lussier.


Real Estate Coaching

Real Estate Coaching Tip:

It is not hard to set up Google Gmail for your Real Estate Assistants yet you may want to watch this video at least twice. Now set up Google Gmail for Your Assistants Today and have them check and respond to your email.  Have them text you details if they believe the email is urgent.

Top Pro Group Only

You will find extensive tools for training assistants to save you time and add balance to your life posted under Top Pro Assistants at the Top Pro Center for 50 Sales. – Real Estate Coach Carol Mazur


Contact Us to find out how to become an exclusive member of our Top Pro Group.


   Please give us a Google+1 to tell us you want more real estate coaching tips.


Have Fun in Your Real Estate Agent Videos


This week’s video is a fun one! Paul Campano, a real estate agent originally from Somerville, MA is having fun in this agent video. Campano has built a reputation specializing in high-end property sales and has achieved the designation of fine homes specialist. His video certainly depicts a fine home. Paul sold the first million-dollar condominium in East Boston, more than doubling the previous high sale, and sold the highest priced condominium ever sold in in Lynn, MA. The video is not you usual real estate agent video.



Coaching Tip:

First, add geo-targeted keywords in YouTube to get your video found, especially your city and state.

Next, decide which audience you will target in your video and title the video to match what your target audience is searching for.

Consider including a little background music in your real estate agent “how to” videos.

Match your message and the video style to the market you are targeting in your keywords – for example, you may not want to have party music in your video to short sale and foreclosure sellers.
What did you think of Paul’s video? Should you have fun in your real estate videos?

Real Estate Coaching

Contact Us for more Top Pro tips & secrets, and find out
how to become an exclusive member of our Top Pro Group.