Tag Archives: Find & Export LinkedIn Email Addresses

Find & Export LinkedIn Email Addresses


Find & Export Your LinkedIn Email Addresses


Since LinkedIn recently did an update, I thought I would show you the new way to find your LinkedIn email addresses and then to export them to a CSV file. This will be useful when uploading lists of your raving fans to your real estate email newsletters, blog lists, and real estate data bases.



So, just go over to the top and you’ll find your contacts. Go to All Contacts. Click on that. You’ll see how you can select all right over here at the top. Just go right over to the right where it says settings, and you’ll see that it’s been selected. And there’s all your contacts.

Then, right over here under the Advanced Settings on the right, you’ll see where it says Export LinkedIn Connections. Click that and it gives you some choices here of how you would like to export them. I like to use Microsoft Outlook CSV file so I’ll click that and select Export.

It’ll ask you, with this little capture box here, to type in the message, and there it is! Your connections’ email addresses were successfully exported!

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Now you will be able to invite your LinkedIn followers to your buyer blog updates, your seller blog updates, events, and other helpful customer friendly local activities. Be sure not to use this to blast your listings to strangers. You do not want to wind up in permanent spam.

The best thing to do is to ask your LinkedIn friends to double opt in to your email list for updates, how to’s, local events, and real estate stats. Every time you have a new post on your real estate blog, have the post automatically sent to your new subscribers.

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