Tag Archives: real trends

Top 250 Real Estate Agents by Volume – REAL Trends

Here is a great list of the top 250 real estate agents from Real Trends with the Wall Street Journal. Congratulations to all 250 real estate agents and brokers!  Great job and great work! Here is the link and a coaching tip.


REAL Trends Top Sales Professionals – The Thousand – With The Wall Street Journal.



Top 250 Real Estate Agents by Volume
Top 250 Real Estate Agents by Volume


Coaching Tip:  

Is it your goal to be a top 250 agent or broker?  Review this list of the top 250 real estate agents by volume from Real Trends with the Wall Street Journal. Are any of the agents located in your area?  What new technology or traditional methods of selling real estate are they implementing to be top producers?  

Do you have a real estate role model?  Can you picture how you want your business to look in 2 to 5 years?  If not, why not choose one of these top agents to pattern your vision of success after.  Can you see yourself being a top producer? Remember you need to go there first in your mind before your body will follow suit.

Real Estate Coaching | Training | Realtors | Be a Pro

Real estate coaching to “be a pro”; Affordable real estate agent live coaching & online training programs give EVERY agent an opportunity to reach the top. Our integrity rule ensures you everything we share has been proven to work by top producers. You know how to be a good Realtor, now it’s time to take it to the next level and be a pro! For more details call(973)310-4545 and leave a voice message 24 hours a day. 

“Be a Pro Coaching” & “Top Pro Training” 

 Coach Carol Mazur – The Top Producer Group, LLC